
Posts Tagged ‘diet’

On Day 3 of GM diet one has to have only raw vegetables and fruits. Fruits & vegetables like bananas & potatoes are excluded.

Alright I have a confession to make. I cheated on a weak moment. I had a decadent piece of chocolate cake today. I didnot seek it but how much can you resist it if it actually walks up to you !  My colleagues were having this cake and I was avoiding them true to my GM diet self. But Satan itself had descended on them and they lured me. I also had a small piece of roll which was made of wheat & rice flour and nuts.

Now that we are done with the confession, other than the above incident, I stuck to my GM diet. For breakfast I had one large apple. Lunch was steamed vegetables. I tried to throw in as many kinds as I could. So it was iceberg lettuce, red bell pepper, broccoli, mushroom, french beans, red cabbage & baby spinach. For the midday snack I had half a bowl of cucumber. Dinner was same as lunch.

I wasnt feeling too hungry today as I had anyways cheated on the cake. And man did it taste heavenly ! Though I could have done without it.

I took my weight on Day 4 morning. It is 60.4. So I did loose another 0.5 kg. The cumulative loss is  1.9 kg over three days which is not bad !

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